The Rewards of Remodeling a Fixer-Upper

Three Ways To Increase Tenant Retention Without Emptying Your Wallet

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As a property manager, increasing tenant retention is one of the best things you can do for your business. When tenants stay for more than one lease term, you end up spending less money finding new tenants – and you also have fewer vacant months when you’re not earning rent on a unit. You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money to increase tenant retention, either. Here are three ways to do so without breaking the bank.…

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5 Advantages Of Off-Campus Living For College Students

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Most colleges require first-year students to live on campus if they don’t commute from a family residence. After the first or second year, students are generally free to move out of the residence hall if they want to. Colleges like to promote all the advantages of living on campus, but lots of students aren’t thrilled with residence hall life. If you’re debating whether to continue living in the dorms or rent an apartment, consider the advantages of apartment living for college students.…

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How To Shine Up The Light Covers On A Ceiling Fan The Easy Way

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When people move out of a home, they probably clean the place up as best they can. However, some things often go without cleaning because they aren’t usually in the line of sight of the person doing the job. Ceiling fans are one of these items. If your moving into a home and the ceiling fan has beautiful glass coverings around the light bulbs, you might want to clean and shine them.…

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