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Discover The Benefits Of Choosing To Sell Your Home To A Buyer Who Is Willing To Pay Cash

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Listing your home for sale on the open market can be a headache. Not only do you have to deal with real estate agents, but you also need to open your home up to a countless number of prospective buyers. If you find that the idea of undergoing this process has stopped you from listing your home for sale, you will be glad to know that there is another option. This option is to sell your home directly to a home buyer, like Philly Standard, who is offering to pay cash. Read on to learn more about some of the benefits that come along with choosing to sell your home for cash.

Avoid Dealing With Contingency Clauses

When a traditional buyer makes an offer to buy your home, this offer will typically come with a variety of contingency clauses. These clauses are designed to protect the buyer's right to back out of their offer if certain contingencies are not met. For instance, these clauses will often include a financing clause and an inspection clause. These clauses ensure the buyer can back out of their offer without suffering any penalties if they are unable to secure the necessary financing or if they are unhappy with the outcome of a home inspection. The problem with this is that these clauses can leave you starting back at square one when selling your home if a buyer chooses to back out at the last minute. This is not an issue when selling your home for cash since an all-cash offer will not typically make use of any contingency clauses. 

Close Quickly On The Sale Of Your Home

All-cash offers are designed to allow for a quick closing process since there is no lender to satisfy before the closing can be completed. If you must sell your home quickly in order to avoid foreclosure, be ready to move into another home, or simply because you need the money, accepting an all-cash offer can be the answer to your problems. 

Skip The Cost Of Making Repairs Or Upgrades

Oftentimes real estate agents will encourage sellers to make repairs or upgrades to their home before placing it on the market. This helps to avoid any issues that may come up during a home inspection. This can mean spending a considerable amount of money before you are even able to begin showing your home to potential buyers. This type of investment is not necessary when choosing to sell your home for cash since this type of sale allows you to sell your home as-is. This can be an especially beneficial feature for individuals who have homes that require a good amount of work to be done before they would be ready to be sold to a buyer who would need to secure a traditional mortgage loan.
