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READ: A Summary Of The Benefits Of Hiring A Property Manager

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Do you remember being in school and having your teachers provide acronyms to help you remember important information? You probably still remember some of the information you learned because of the acronyms. Here's something surprising, though. You can still use acronyms to help you remember things as an adult. For instance, the acronym "READ" can help you remember the four key benefits of hiring a property manager, which is certainly useful information to remember if you are a property owner. Take a look.

R: Rule out unqualified tenants.

Finding tenants who will pay rent on time and take care of the place is never easy. You can spend hours wading through applications before finding the right ones. A property manager can do this work for you, ruling out tenants with questionable histories, an income that may leave them struggling to pay rent, or other shortcomings. You'll get better tenants without having to dedicate all of your time to it.

E: Earn you more money.

There are a few ways that a property manager can help you earn more money on your rental. First, they can make sure you are asking for a competitive rate. Second, they will work to reduce tenant turnover. They'll choose tenants who are more likely to stay, and they'll make sure your tenants are happy so that they want to stay. With lower turnover, your rental won't be vacant as often, so you'll ultimately make more money.

A: Act as a main contact.

Most property owners do not want to be called at 2:00 am. You're probably no exception. When you hire a property manager, they get to be the one who fields those late-night calls. In fact, they field all of the calls and requests from the tenants as they serve as the tenants' main point of contact. You'll only have to get involved now and then when the property manager asks you to.

D: Do the repairs.

From repairing damaged roofs to replacing appliances, there are a lot of repair and maintenance tasks associated with being a landlord. If you hire a property manager, they will do all of this for you. They may hire out for some larger tasks, like plumbing and HVAC, but you still won't have to be the one to worry about that.

There are so many benefits to hiring a professional who provides rental property management services. Just remember the acronym READ the next time you wonder if this is the right move for you.
