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Getting In On The Tiny House Trend

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If you are in the search for a new home, you might want to consider the new trend in real estate – tiny homes. These small living spaces tend to buck the trend that had homeowners moving to larger and larger homes in the last few years. Downsizing has never been more popular for those not needing a gigantic amount of space, so read on and learn why people are loving tiny homes.

Tiny Homes Are More Cost-Efficient

As you might imagine, the smaller the home the cheaper the price. Tiny homes go beyond that cost-saving measure, however. Maintenance and utility costs are far less expensive when you are talking about a home that comes in at under approximately 400 square feet. You can compare that to your average home in the US at about 2600 square feet.

Tiny Homes Let You Be Free

Not only are you free from paying a large mortgage payment, maintenance, utilities, and property taxes, but you also don't need to work as hard to make ends meet. For some, that means being able to explore new employment opportunities without as much pressure to earn a high wage. This can prompt people to go back to school, learn a new trade, or work for themselves for a change. Lowered earnings can be tempered by job satisfaction and quality of life. You can even look for beachfront property for sale and finally have the house by the waves that you have dreamed of. If you've always longed to hit the road and become a travel writer, this could be your chance. This brings up another benefit of tiny homes, mobility.

Tiny Homes Can Be Moved

All tiny homes come with a set of wheels and can be hooked up and pulled to wherever vehicles can travel. This makes them a cross between a recreational vehicle and a cabin in the woods. While this seems perfect for empty-nesters and retired folks, this type of instant mobility appeals to people of all ages. Instead of worrying about making reservations and living out of a suitcase, tiny home owners turn travel on its ear and become part of the local community while they roost for a while.

Tiny Spaces and Simplification

A tiny space will force you to prioritize your belongings because there is no room for extras. Some tiny home owners end up giving away or storing most of their possessions and learn the art of making do with less. Some declare that this manner of doing things brings clarity and peace of mind.

If tiny home living sounds right for you, speak to a real estate agent and find the tiny home that is just right for your needs.
