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New Owner Of A Biometric Safe? What Should You Know About Maintenance?

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If you've recently purchased a biometric safe that operates on a thumbprint or eye iris scan, you may be excited about the security options this safe presents. With the ability to program multiple identifiers or remove permissions at will, this safe can offer you an ultra-secure way to store everything from jewelry to firearms. However, failing to perform basic safe maintenance could shorten the life of your new biometric safe or even cause it to fail at a crucial moment. Read on to learn more about what you'll need to do to keep your safe in good working condition for decades to come.

What safe maintenance should be performed on a regular basis?

Any safe -- from combination to biometric -- should have its hinges oiled and cleaned regularly to prevent any dust or dirt buildup and to keep the bare metal from scraping or rusting. You should be able to perform this process with a cotton swab and can of spray lubricant, being sure to keep the lubricant away from the thumbprint reader, eye scanner, or other biometric device. If your biometric safe has a combination backup, you'll also want to clean and lubricate the combination lock at the same time you're cleaning the hinges.

You'll also want to engage in some preventive maintenance by ensuring you always clean your hands before touching your safe, particularly when locking or unlocking it through the biometric reader. Although picking up some oil from your fingertips is inevitable, the cleaner your hands are, the less wear and tear you'll put on your safe's biometric reader.

What special maintenance does a biometric safe need?

If you have a safe that operates on a thumbprint or fingerprint scan, you'll need to periodically clean the fingerprint reader with a special solution and microfiber cloth -- similar to the one used to clean reading glasses. Using commercial window cleaner or even plain water to clean this fingerprint reader could damage it, as could allowing the oils and dirt from your fingers to build up on the surface without wiping it down. 

You'll also want to keep your safe in a cool, dark place -- like a closet, underneath your bed, or even in the basement. Avoiding heat and humidity will help prevent degradation of the biometric reader and avoid any inadvertent failures. In especially warm and humid rooms, it may be difficult for your biometric safe to recognize your fingerprint.
